On 1982 Adino Fontana, an ambitious and courageous country boy, thanks to his origins and to the knowledge of his father Duilio (he batchered pork meat) gave life to Tre Torri firm that produces typical and local cold cuts in Montecosaro, an ancient medieval village on 300 metres above sea level perched on an hill totally absorbed in the green of the valley of Chienti river. The small factory that is situated at the crossroads of two gentle hills where the fresh air of Sibillini mountains is combined with the breeze of Adriatic sea, is the perfect place for the seasoning of loins, bacons, salamis, pork cheeks and all best delicacies. The continous search for quality, sometimes to the detriment of profit, has meant that Tre Torri firm is an important representative both of the peasant culture and of the products of the lands of Macerata province.